Monday, November 12, 2007

Things change so quickly

So it has been quite the eventful couple of weeks. It is so crazy to think how quick things can change in just one moment. Even more, to actually see and experience that thought. One day, we could be growing in the Lord, pressing on and well established in our knowledge of Him, and the next in a moments tempation (and the choice to act on our desires), we have fallen and are in need of repentance and renewal. This ia a wonderful process in the long run, because we see our hearts, we see who God is, and we are more like Christ as the result of repentance and moving forward.

A lot of things have changed in my life recently, and they continue to change. When things change; whether it is my making a choice (good or bad) or someone else making a choice which effects me (good or bad), all we can do is trust in the Lord, and dwell on what we know to be true. He has not changed, and He is not going to lead you down a road of uncertainty. If it seems uncertain or contradictory... well according to Thomas Aquinas (as quoted in C.S Lewis' book "The Problem of Pain") "Nothing which implies contradiction falls under the omnipotence of God." Thus, I am looking at it from my own understanding, or others have presented it wrongly. God does not contradict himself, nor is He the arthur of confussion.

I am so thankful for the fact that things can change so quickly, but i also am thnakful for the process by which things that change for the good actually stay that way. The sanctification process is hard, but well worth the result of that change.

"We are, not metaphorically but in very truth, a Divine work of art, something that God is making, and therefore something with which He will not be satisfied until it has a certain character." C.S Lewis "The Problem of Pain."

Bring on the changes so that I might be closer to that character which You desire for me Lord. Amen.

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